On Thursday I had to say goodbye to Eiko – six weeks of travelling the red continent have gone by really quickly. For the next few days I’ll be on my own. Not really alone though, because I met already quite a few nice people at the hostel in Auckland.

Kevin, one of my roommates for the first two days, and I went on a free tour around Auckland. It was not like the other free tours so far, it was more like a promotional tour for the different activities that you can do here. We stopped at the Sky Tower, where they gave away a free Sky Jump from the tallest building in NZ. Unfortunately I didn’t get further than the first round of heads or tails and someone else won it.

Instead I tried something else. I saw a T-Shirt for NZD 130 and I really liked it, so I got it and a free bungee jump with it! The jump was from the Auckland Bridge (40m) and Kevin decided to jump as well. It was really funny when I jumped and screamed – and when I couldn’t scream anymore I was still falling…

And today we went with Daniela (who was also on the free tour) and two other guys to Waiheke, an island close to Auckland. There are quite a few people living on the island, but you don’t realize it when you go to the beach or for a hike. The people are also very friendly and offered us a lift from the end of a hiking trail to Palm Beach, the village where they live.