Reef adventures

After driving for more than a thousand kilometers we’re up north at the Ningalo Reef. I finally get to use my underwater camera that I bought in Perth for only AUD 40 (28€).

Snorkeling at Ningalo Reef

First we went to have a look at Cape Range National Park. It has several superb spots for snorkeling. After we got some flippers, snorkel and goggles for Eiko, we went to Turquoise Bay. It is really cool, because you can walk on the beach for 100-200m and then you get into the water. The tidal current brings you back to where you started. You just have to exit before the current pulls you out into the sea.

Blue corals

While floating, you get to see lots of corals and fish in many different colors. We also saw a turtle and a reef shark (usually not dangerous) up close.

Swimming with turtles

Today at Coral Bay, the southern end of the Ningalo Reef (in total 300km long), I went snorkeling again and I got to see a Manta Ray. Very beautiful creatures!

Following a Manta Ray

The part of the reef close to the shore is bigger but not as colorful. It’s still amazing and feels like being in a giant aquarium or a zoo tank.

Corals and fish at the Ningalo Reef

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